
Value-addition to sustainable agriculture.


We strive to enable clean and safe food systems by providing sustainable farming solutions that synergize the soil - the crop and the environment.


At Vriskha we follow the principles of Vrikshayurveda to address various problems in agriculture. Vrikshayurveda is an ancient literature written by Surapala in 1000 AD.

Its ayurvedic science of dealing with crop cultivation using indigenous traditional knowledge practices conserves nature and the surroundings. It encompasses peculiar sustainable approaches to each phase of crop management.   

To attain sustainable food security by mitigating the adverse effects of agriculture on the environment and also enhancing the welfare of farmers.

Our sustainable agriculture inputs can offer definitive benefits by improving soil health, increasing yields, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, enhancing biodiversity, and in turn improving food quality and safety. 

We also strive to address the issues around climate change and soil degradation through our approach. 

Our sustainable agri. inputs for

each phase of crop management

The Essence of Vrikshayurveda and Vriksha Agro

Vrikshayurveda paves our journey to help farmers get higher crop yields through environmentally sustainable principles. Ancient agriculture has best practices to mitigate various challenges faced by a crop. Hence we have tried to inherit such knowledge in developing our products to sustain plant life. Our farming solutions are destined to create a balanced condition for the crop, soil and the environment to intensify crop yield. 

Soil is the major anchor in every stage of crop growth and we fortify soil with essential elements to ensure that an individual crop gets its required nutrients for survival. Beneficial soil microflora are constantly involved in nutrient replenishment and we are determined to preserve and multiply them through a holistic approach. 

Plants-based secretions have unexplored unique potentials and we are soulfully involved in researching those active compounds to formulate sustainable farming solutions. We also step forward to promote plants' innate resistance mechanisms to mitigate various abiotic stresses. To fight against plant pathogens and pests we aim to enhance the plant's natural defense response for increased immunity. 

We firmly believe that sustainable farming practices can bring nutrient-enriched food to our society. To ensure the reliability among our customers all of our products are approved by ECOCERT for NPOP, NOP and EU standards. 

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